Monday, March 15, 2010

Bittersweet Goodbyes...

We can hardly believe that another chapter in our lives is about to close and a new one begin. Colorado has been a lovely place to live and start a family. We have made many friends here that we will always remember and hopefully keep in touch with and see again. Smiley Court was an amazing place to live for our time at CU Boulder. The friends we made were more like extended family than neighbors. It has been hard being just 45 minutes away from them here in Denver. Thankfully we found a wonderful church in Golden where Jamie and the kids got connected to a MOPs group, which helped with the difficult transition from Boulder to Denver. As moving day is once again rapidly approaching we are quite busy, but so incredibly grateful for the fact that we will have packers and movers and that Ryan's company is paying for it - Praise the Lord!

Our lives in Wisconsin will change dramatically with family and old friends close by. We will be able to go to the Kohl family cabin, the Hall family Rendezvous, the Olsen family vacations to Old Deerfield as well as many other family functions and holidays. The first of which is Easter, yay, our kids get to experience the Olsen Family tradition of the egg hunt. Our kids will get to know their grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles, and second cousins so much more than they would have being in Colorado. We look forward to this time of building family relationships as we are bound to someday be overseas and even further away (than Colorado).

Although the scenery, altitude and climate will change, we will still be able to enjoy our favorite outdoor activities: hiking, camping and fishing. And to that we will add swimming, canoeing, hunting, and horseback riding.

Goodbye to all of you that are in Colorado, we will miss you. Those of you that are in WI - we look forward to seeing you all very soon!