The ladies of Smiley Court (our housing area) decided to throw Jamie a baby shower. Jamie was skeptical if she would even make it to the baby shower as they had chosen to have it the day before her due date.
Ryan continued his studies and we both went about our daily tasks as usual hoping that any day the baby would come. Jamie's parents were especially interested in the baby arriving very soon as they had a flight scheduled for the upcoming weekend. When the flight was made, it was assumed that Jamie would be like her mother in that Jamie's mom was early with both of her births. As Jamie's due date came and went her parents had to decide whether or not to delay the trip or come anyway.
Friday night (September 7th) marked two days overdue, Jana (one of our neighbors/friends) invited Jamie to attend the sewing club. Jamie and Ryan were also invited by a couple from the church they have been attending to go to another couple's apartment in a different family student housing area to play games and hang out. Although we would have enjoyed meeting more people from Boulder Valley Christian Church, Ryan needed to study before Jamie's parents arrived the next day. Jamie opted for sewing club in order to give Ryan some time to study.
At bedtime the baby was extremely active - it was actually a bit scary how active the baby was, the baby seemed to be trying to fight inside Jamie's belly. This activity kept Jamie up for a little while, but eventually the baby stopped and Jamie fell asleep. Around lunch time on Saturday Jamie realized that she didn't remember feeling the baby move since about 3am when there was more of the fighting activity in her belly. Ryan listened for the heartbeat, but could not find it (usually he can hear it very clear). Jamie decided to call Judy, her midwife. Judy was finishing up at a birth, but said she would stop by as soon as she was done. This concerned us even more. We sat down and prayed for the baby and almost as soon as we had finished the baby moved. Jamie continued to feel the baby move throughout the rest of the day, but went to Judy's house for another prenatal visit just to make sure everything else was okay.
Jamie's parents arrived Saturday evening and we went out for dinner - Japanese. We then walked along the Pearl Street Mall, hoping that walking might encourage Jamie to go into labor. The next day we had made plans to gather a picnic lunch and drive the Peak to Peak highway stopping to see various sights along the way. Sunday morning Jamie awoke to a sign that indicated she would be likely to go into labor within the next three days.
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